Quatre trafiquants ont été arrêtés pour trafic d'écailles de
pangolin à Akonolinga.
Ils ont été arrêtés le 19 avril lors d'une opération coup de
poing menée p.
He was arrested during an operation carried out by wildlife officials
of the Littoral Regional Delegation of Forestry and Wildlife in
collaboration with the Pol.
Followers and admirers of Professor Kengne Fodouop, have decided to
devote scientific mixtures to him, as a tribute to all of his work.
Below are the different.
Following a well thought out decision by the chairman of Viettel
Cameroun SA El Hadj Alhadji Baba Danpullo to restart the process of
ironing out differences wit.
Four traffickers have been arrested for trafficking in ivory tusk,
pangolin, and chimpanzee.
They were arrested during a crackdown operation carried out by