local community like wilmington. glenn: when you talk about principles that make magic, it doesn t matter. here is people from the left, people from the right. working together, because they both recognize truth in wilmington, ohio. miracle number one. [ applause ] miracle number two. rich. i met you two hours ago? three hours ago? yeah. glenn: okay. tell me your story. basically, i came on the premise of america s first christmas, it will be my first christmas in four years. my wife passed away three-and-a-half years ago. i ve been alone since then. when i heard about this, i decided i d better get up off the couch and celebrate my first christmas.
glenn: welcome back to wilmington, ohio. [ applause ] america s first christmas. this is the fellowship of praise choir. you ve been singing together for a matter of hours. they re incredible. i want to thank them. so, i want to continue the sto story. last night, i get here and go have pizza with people from all over the country. go to a hotel purchased on a handshake because people believe in people being honest and edecent with each other. then i go to robin s store front. robin is a woman who started a prayer center. what do you call it, robin? prayer room. glenn: it s right across the street.
glenn: welcome back to wilmington, ohio. [ applause ] america s first christmas. this is the fellowship of praise choir. you ve been singing together for a matter of hours. they re incredible. i want to thank them. so, i want to continue the sto story. last night, i get here and go have pizza with people from all over the country. go to a hotel purchased on a handshake because people believe in people being honest and edecent with each other. then i go to robin s store front. robin is a woman who started a prayer center. what do you call it, robin? prayer room. glenn: it s right across the street.
local community like wilmington. glenn: when you talk about principles that make magic, it doesn t matter. here is people from the left, people from the right. working together, because they both recognize truth in wilmington, ohio. miracle number one. [ applause ] miracle number two. rich. i met you two hours ago? three hours ago? yeah. glenn: okay. tell me your story. basically, i came on the premise of america s first christmas, it will be my first christmas in four years. my wife passed away three-and-a-half years ago. i ve been alone since then. when i heard about this, i decided i d better get up off the couch and celebrate my first christmas.
are third graders. that s the only two times. and he did what every amateur singer does when they get up there. they always try to make sure the mic is oka this is what they have seen on every show so they are tightening the mic. you know what he didn t do was put his hand on his ear and say. on blueberry hill he sees a vacuum to leadership in the world. he was influenced by george bush and the cowboy life. that s when he started fishing and chopping wood. now he says i am the rock star. he wants to be a world leader and a villain at once. i think you are right. it is also a weird move thesong he picked. secondly, the l is a hard