it s taken a month to don in the difficult task we had ahead of us. where do you even begin after such a devastating event? i ll tell you. america s changing, and that includes where people live and how they get around. a new generation of workers the millennial generation all want to be close to where they work and close to where they want to play, close to where they want to shop. transit-oriented development could reshape how you live, work, and play, and sooner than you might think. all that plus how to sell your timeshare, how to shop for a home, the best landscaping tips, and much more. i m gonna sit down with regular americans and help them through the same problems faced by millions foreclosure, divorce issues, h.o.a. battles, and on and on. there is lots to cover when season 2 of the property man starts this december. be sure to send me your questions or property stories at.
soil and said i m here for the opportunity and entrepreneurship. rubio recognizes that in order to win the latino vote, they not only need to pass comprehensive immigration we form but have to change the rhetoric on the right to become an inclusive party. they have to tone down the rhetoric and be less hateful and say we re changing, america s changing, how do we embrace it? and that s one of the reason rubio is moving forward. i think what the president is doing is reminding americans of what our roots are. but like karen said, the majority of americans regardless of political stripes do believe the immigration system is broken. they want people to come out of the shadows. and they want to make sure they know who their neighbor is. and they want to make sure that there s a you re making a case for national security. so it s basically asking the extreme right of the republican party to come and be recognized where they are with the times. right. well, karen, the white house