constituents u genial jean larry, don t you agree one time irrespective of what the mainstream media says when joe smith gets his paycheck and he looks at it and he sees a difference on february 1 he is going to say whoa, this is real. absolutely. and it s one other thing we ll haven t talked very much about. that is that this bill gets rid of the death tax. guess who is opposed to you the death tax the national black chamber of commerce. the head of black enterprise. the founder of black enterprise also wrote op-ed pieces against death tax. i thought donald trump didn t like people of color, black people. he praised tim scott, the republican who helped push this bill through. maybe some 2350e78 will have to rethink some of their athingses this. god forbid. scbleen jean i have to tell judge jeanine: after talking to you, doug, every one of them was so general
county sheriff david clarke and incoming heritage foundation president nicole james. i have tell you and i will start with you, dana, i mean, armageddon, the wrong bill the wrong time. are you living in a fantasy world? don t they totally lose their credibility? they do lose their credibility. imagine they wanted to increase and keep high america s taxes for christmas. not a single democrat was supporting this bill. you are thought going they cannot lie to the american people when the american people see that they are keeping more of their money because these are going to kick in really quick. you can t lie to people about what s in their bank account. you can t lie to them about what s written in on their checks. they will immediately start seeing relief as we have seen from at&t and boeing. chuck schumer was attacking at&t claiming in video that at&t was going to use this to enrich themselves. what did at&t do? they announced that they are investing in their employees
facto, a break for the corporations. judge jeanine: ipso factor. you make an important point, judge which i think deserves to be underscored. the administration neesdz hem. they can t do it on a partisan basis. and 50 s with the president i would say mr. president. don t mention their names of again buy. have you got to get the corporations and working people out speaking in favor of the bill. it s not just the bonuses though. there is also investments. comcast also announced 50 physical ove50 billion. at&t said if it got done they would invest $1 billion. we will see more investment. judge jeanine: that s long term. this is so immediately. this is unbelievable. i think when americans see that though they recognize out impact of this. and republicans do have to sell it and they have to sell it against the odds of the media being against them. i think they can do it and that s what they are going to do when they go home to their states and
healthy tote exchanges did not do that the young and healthy were too smart. they wouldn t do it. and the whole thing collapsed. 30 million americans jeanine don t have healthcare as we speak. the insurers all fled the exchanges. it became prohibitive for them. the third thing in this three for one was anwr. this has taken 40 years for a president and a congress to pass what others, including president reagan and presidents bushes tried to do which is start drilling responsibly so that we are more energy dependent on america. we create those jobs. we tap those resources. i mean, some of the estimates are truly incredible. all of this put together, america is going to see almost immediately what a difference there is in the economy. let s face it jeanine, the tax cuts in the centerpiece of regulatory roll back. booming stock market for the entire year he has been president. what s interesting is they say that the booming stock market is it s not
results. we need to know what really happened. we need to know why these investigations started. we need to know whether there was any kind of collusion between the department. congressma n, with all due respect. we need to know it but we need to get answers. for the last year, nothing has happened. and we got to start holding people in contempt. we have to make sure that you guys are respected. we have oversight of the fbi and doj. just keep their feet to the fire. congressman labrador thanks for being with us. all right. thank you. judge jeanine: joining us with more reaction florida attorney general pam bondi and fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett. i will go to you madam attorney general. okay. you re a prosecutor. what do you do when people resist and don t want to give you evidence? well, first of all, jeanine, you and i in careers basically in law enforcement, they have to give you the evidence that they need to give you, but,