Adoption of House Resolution 756, if ordered. The first electronic vote will be conducted as a is aminute vote as a 15minute vote. Pursuant to clause 9 of rule to, the remaining electric 20, the remaining electronic vote will be conducted as a fibaminute vote as a fiveminute vote. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, the previous question is on ordering the previous question on the bill. The clerk house calendar number 45. House resolution 756. Resolution providing for consideration of the bill, h. R. 4394, making appropriations for energy and Water Development and related agencies for the fiscal year ending september 30, 2024, and for other purposes. And providing for consideration of the bill, h. R. 4364, making appropriations for the legislative branch for the fiscal year ending september 30, 2024, and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore the question is on ordering the previous question. Members will record their votes by electronic device. I remind my fellow colleagues, this is
Afternoons house debate overous ing Kevin Mccarthy as speaker of the house. Mr. Gaetz thank you, mr. Speaker, i yield as much time as he may consume to my colleague from virginia, mr. Good. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for as much time as he may consume. Before the gentleman speaks, i would remind the parties that all need to be heard. Please clear the well and clear the aisles and any extraneous conversations need to be taken from the floor. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from virginia is recognized. Mr. Good thank you, mr. Speaker. Like so many others, i deeply regret that we are here in what was a totally avoidable situation. I must take you back to january, however, which for many of us was about not repeating the failures of the past and letting Republican Voters across the country down once again, when in the past for many years when republicans have had majorities in this chamber, weve passed our major spending bills predominantly with democrat vote
Afternoon eastern time and later, pending action in the house on the g. O. P. Tax bill, the senate would then take up the measure. Youre watching live coverage. Senate here on cspan2. The president pro tempore the senate will come to order. The chaplain, dr. Barry black, will lead the senate in prayer. The chaplain let us pray. Eternal god, fill us with reverence for you. Help us to remember that you are the one from whom we borrow our heartbeats. You continue to be the source of our peace and the center of our joy. May our reverential awe provide us with the foundation of true wisdom. Empower our lawmakers to make a positive difference in our nation and world. Give them generous, righteous, and compassionate hearts so that they will transform discord into harmony. As they turn to you in humble, fervent prayer, hear our prayers, forgive our sins, and heal our land. Lord, we thank you that you will never give us more to do than we can do with your power. We pray in your mighty name. Ame
Middleclass families and Small Businesses and set america on a trajectory towards more opportunity and greater prosperity. After the house votes this afternoon, the senate will begin debate and will proceed to a vote on passage later this evening. The final text of this bill is the product of extensive open debate. Its the result of dozens of hearings on tax reform in recent years, and an open amendment process. Then the house and senate joined together in a Conference Committee that carefully reconciled the two chambers bills. Now the time has come to vote. When senators vote for the tax cuts and jobs act, theyll be voting for a bill that substantially cuts taxes for middleclass families and by reducing rates that will let working americans keep more of their paycheck and send less of their hard earned money to washington. In addition to lower rates middleclass families will benefit from a standard deduction that is almost double its present level and a doubling of the child tax credi
Good news for mr. Trump. Thats his base. And the market just crossed a milestone. Stock values have gone up a full 8 trillion since the election. So here we are. Government shut down because a Major Political Party Supports illegals and not the legal government of the United States. There really ought to be hell to pay. Varney company is about to begin. Stuart now, were going to go down over the opening bell today off about 50 points. I dont think thats a reaction to the threeday old government shut down. I dont think theres been any impact thus far. But we will open ever so slightly lower this monday morning. There will be a vote today. Its a vote on keeping reopening the government or shutting it down. So whats in this bill today . Ashley all right. In a nutshell, this is what it boils down to is that the proposal would reopen the government until february 8th. In other words, get the light switch back on until february 8th. However, the democrats want Mitch Mcconnell to commit to th