As i got for is the end of the book, there is one story that had to be rich and i didnt want to write about it. I didnt feel a need to write about it. I felt very selfconscious writing about it, but it was about 9 11. If i did not write about it, there wouldve been a big hole in the book. When i started writing about it, it was like the first couple of days i dont remember much. It is all kind of a blur to me. Even when i hook up with guys with me at the time, they say the same thing like they remember something very vividly. I have no recollection. I remember something very vividly they cant remember. So for all of us, the first couple of days with kind of a blur. After that, and i was working 12 hours on, 12 hours off for the next two months. My unit was in the detective bureau, so we got assigned and our job was to remain in. I could write about what i saw and what we did. Those are peoples families, family members and i couldnt write about it. But i think i wrote about my feelings