Derivatives. Not much being said lately on them but a lot has been said on bank failures of as late. I do not understand why not, they are directly related. In math a derivative of a function [.]
they want to go. that is a point not being said that none of these people have a gun to their head. none of these people are forced to stay anywhere. all of these folks if they believe better resources better shelter, a better job elsewhere, they are free to leave and the city would provide them with transportation whichever final destination they would choose. they are staying here because the golden goose is pretty good in new york. we have right to shelter law, which the mayor is constrained by. he is under some obligation to provide the bare necessities. and that is what he is actually trying to do by opening up the large shelter. again, we are saying to women and shelter, we are asking single men by themselves, maybe you can build a larger facility to accommodate more people and hopefully low cost to new yorkers. ashley: one thing that will come back onto american taxpayer. thank you for being with us this morning.
Washington, D.C. is currently focused on a September continuing resolution (CR) to keep the federal government funded, but it is worth looking ahead to the broader health care horizon.