Except for silver, which reached another 6.5-month high and pushed its price higher for the month with a double-digit percent gain, precious metals declined on Thursday. Gold's loss marked its first in five sessions, after scoring an about 3.3-year high on Wednesday, but the yellow metal still recorded a substantial November increase. Gold for February
Prices for precious metals divided on Wednesday, with gold and silver rising and platinum and palladium falling. Gains in gold and silver were their fourth in a row, with each also registering another round of settlement highs – approximately 3.3 years for gold and just over 6.5 months for silver. Gold for February delivery rose
Except for silver, which reached another 6.5-month high and pushed its price higher for the month with a double-digit percent gain, precious metals declined on Thursday. Gold's loss marked its first in five sessions, after scoring an about 3.3-year high on Wednesday, but the yellow metal still recorded a substantial November increase. Gold for February
Setting palladium aside, prices for precious metals advanced on Tuesday, with gold and silver scoring their third consecutive increase and both also reaching another round of settlement highs – approximately 3.3 years for gold and over 4 months for silver. Gold for February delivery the new, most-active contract rose by $27.20, or 1.3%,
Setting palladium aside, prices for precious metals advanced on Tuesday, with gold and silver scoring their third consecutive increase and both also reaching another round of settlement highs – approximately 3.3 years for gold and over 4 months for silver. Gold for February delivery the new, most-active contract rose by $27.20, or 1.3%,