ainsley: good morning to you. happy friday. you made it through the workweek. it s august 23. i m ainsley earhart filling in for gretchen. there is a manhunt underway right now for two killers of a world war ii veteran. he survived being shot in okinawa, but no match for an attack but these alleged teen-agers. he wasn t just my great uncle, he was a great person. he didn t deserve to die like that. ainsley: the breaking developments straight ahead. brian: and hundreds of kids killed in syria reportedly by chemical attacks. the president on a bus tour and our ambassador, where is our ambassador? a previously scheduled trip. i don t think i need to go into more detail from here and you re welcome to call the united nations where she s the ambassador. brian: watch what happens when fox news tries to get answers on where the united states ambassador was to set up an american session. tucker: what do americans really think about the states they don t live in?