In the years since Ruger was launched in 1949 the company’s products have become renowned for combining the latest technology with classic firearm design. As a result, Ruger rifles combine the best of the future with a timeless, tried and tested quality.
A large part of what makes the new Ruger-made 1895 SBL an ideal calling card is that it appeals to both hunters and personal protectors. Chambered in .45-70 Gov't, regardless of the game, or the threat, this slick-handling powerhouse is a closer.
It was a pipsqueak when introduced in 2002, but Hornady’s inventive .17-cal. rimfire quickly grew in stature in the hearts of varmint hunters, plinkers and target shooters alike. Now, two decades on, the .17 HMR stands among the all-time giants of the rimfire realm.