Leading up to the civil war, these friendship and alliances disintegrated. Prof. Balcerski welcome everybody. It is me, your professor. Im excited to offer you a lecture of the antebellum congress. The outline, we start with a review of the first and Second Party Systems. I will introduce a concept to you of a lyrical culture and compare that to something we have encountered before, Political Parties. Finally, the bulk of the lecture is going to be presenting new evidence on the antebellum political culture. As you will see i have three , major areas as evidence to talk about today. One,acone, Tobacco Culture. Number two, political friendships, and number three, affairs of honor. Like we often do in the class, i will start with an image on the screen. Im going to ask you to tell me what you see. This is Lady Washingtons reception from 1861. Take it in. Who can point out something you see right away that strikes you . Lady washington is on a platform. Prof. Balcerski how high do you thi
And so if i wanted to say, well, the presidency in humor, humor in the white house didnt quite do it. But then i thought about it some more and actually it does work because neither of the first two president has a sense of humor. So it gets me out of that problem. But, im going to follow the lead of perhaps the most successful humorist in the white house. It might not be the person youre thinking of by doing what he always did, in most cases what he did at the beginning of a talk, he started with a joke. Again, some of you will have heard this joke, but please pretend you havent heard it before and laugh at the appropriate point. So this is a joke and this is a key to part of my story. That Ronald Reagan used to tap. And the key is, as youll see, Ronald Reagan was effectively telling the story on himself. It related to a time in his career when he didnt know sort what he was doing or where he was going. As you will know of Ronald Reagan, he had two careers primarily. He was a film act
Anchored in his hometown of denmark, South Carolina, my vanishing country illuminates the pride that continues to fertilize the soil in one of the poorest states of the nation. He traces his fathers life to become a friend of Stokely Carmichael Martin Luther king, and member of the student nonviolent coordinating committee. To explore the plight of the south dwindling world black workingclass. Many of whom can trace ancestry back seven generations. In his poetic personal history where awakened to the crisis affecting the other forgotten men and women whom the media seldom acknowledges. These are his family members, neighbors and friends. He humanizes the struggles that shape their lives to gain access to healthcare as rural hospitals disappear to make ends meet, because the factories have shut down and moved overseas, to hold onto precious traditions as their towns erode. To forge a path forward without succumbing to despair. My vanishing country is also a love letter to fatherhood, to
Great hall occupies an important place in the fabric of our city. Sitting here tonight, you are not only occupying a seat where, on this day in 1860, new yorkers listened to a thenlittleknown statesman from illinois deliver a speech that would not only alter the course of his life but would impact the future of our nation. Since that day scores of individuals have filled your seats, eager to discuss the issues that define who we are as a country. Tonight, you have a seat to another perspective on americas next chapter, inspired by the man who would reunite the country after the most divided period of its history and preserve the Great American experience. Abraham lincoln later viewed his Cooper Union Speech as the turning point to his eventual election to the white house and he made an impassioned argument against in slavery in the United States in treating his audience to have faith that right makes might. His words did more than make a president. The moral clarity of his imperative h
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