Took advantage of people during their time of need. In response to this exultation, this exploitation there was a , trend toward simple burial and the formation of socalled memorial societies that offered workingclass families a much cheaper cost associated with the death of their loved ones. And another change was the enormous attention to the possibility that blindness could be cured by cornea transplants in the 1940s. Thousands of americans volunteered their corneas after their deaths in the effort to restore the sight of a blind person. Among many of these individuals, they thought if i am giving my corneas when i am dead, why not the rest of me . So, there was increasing interest and you see it in the archives of medical schools my eyes are going to be eyebanked at stanford. What about the rest of my body . You see the establishment for the first time organized, systematic body donor programs at virtually every American Medical School in the United States. Was their Public Resista
Directors who unscrupulously took advantage of people during their time of need. In response to this exultation, this exploitation there was a , trend toward simple burial and the formation of socalled memorial societies that offered workingclass families a much cheaper cost associated with the death of their loved ones. And another change was the enormous attention to the possibility that blindness could be cured by cornea transplants in the 1940s. Thousands of americans volunteered their corneas after their deaths in the effort to restore the sight of a blind person. Among many of these individuals, they thought if i am giving my corneas when i am dead, why not the rest of me . So, there was increasing interest and you see it in the archives of medical schools my eyes are going to be eyebanked at stanford. What about the rest of my body . You see the establishment for the first time organized, systematic body donor programs at virtually every American Medical School in the United Sta
Now have your secretary call the roll. President scott, present. Lim,print. Breslin, here. Farrell, expected. Ferrigno, here. Follansbee, excused. Commissioner sass, excused. We have a quorum. Thank you. Well now take action item number 1. Item 1, action item approval with possible moud fiication oz thf minutes of inmeeting set forth below regular meeting of march 9, 2017. Im ready to entertain a motion fruproval the minutes. Move that we approve the minutes. Second. Hear second. Any edits clarification or comments by the board . Any Public Comment on the minutes preceding meeting . Hearing and seeing none, we are now ready to vote. All in favor signify by saying aye. Opposed . Motion carries. I do have discussion item. That is item 2, discussion item. General Public Comment on matters within the board jurisdiction not appearing on todays agenda. Is there any matter in the boards jurisdiction any member the public wish to comment on it . As it relates to the Health Service system . Not
Now have your secretary call the roll. President scott, present. Lim,print. Breslin, here. Farrell, expected. Ferrigno, here. Follansbee, excused. Commissioner sass, excused. We have a quorum. Thank you. Well now take action item number 1. Item 1, action item approval with possible moud fiication oz thf minutes of inmeeting set forth below regular meeting of march 9, 2017. Im ready to entertain a motion fruproval the minutes. Move that we approve the minutes. Second. Hear second. Any edits clarification or comments by the board . Any Public Comment on the minutes preceding meeting . Hearing and seeing none, we are now ready to vote. All in favor signify by saying aye. Opposed . Motion carries. I do have discussion item. That is item 2, discussion item. General Public Comment on matters within the board jurisdiction not appearing on todays agenda. Is there any matter in the boards jurisdiction any member the public wish to comment on it . As it relates to the Health Service system . Not
Were now in the billiard room which is one of the rooms that was built as part of the addition that the blaines made to the house in 1872. This is also a room which has been a place to hang photographs and in some cases the christmas cards of the previous first families. The first family was the millikens, and this is a large family, Carl Milliken and his wife are shown in the photograph along with their large family. There have been 21 families who have called the blaine house their home from the millikins in 1920 to currently Governor Paul Lepage and his wife first Lady Ann Lepage beginning in 2011. Today when we think of james g. Blaine in maine, i think we think primarily of the blaine house. It really is a symbol of both the maine governorship. Thus the equating of the name blaine with the Governors Mansion really keeps his name alive and in the public today. The cspan radio app makes it easy to continue to follow the 2016 election wherever you are. Its free to download from the A