lawyers can have access to their client pursuant to hospital regulations and that sort of thing. and they agree the next hear willing be may 30th, which is five and a half weeks from now at 10:00 in the morning. and then proceedings are adjourned at the hospital bed. that s the way we do it in this country, even if justice has to travel to you in your hospital bed as you recover from gunshot wounds to the head and the neck and the legs and the hand. the judge will come to you and the prosecutor, and you will get read your rights and be assigned a defense attorney if you cannot afford one, and you will be tried in court, in civilian court. you are nothing special. also today in american military court at mcchord south of tacoma, washington, today the worst fratricide incident of the whole iraq war resulted in a guilty plea. john russell plead guilty to shooting and killing five fellow servicemen, one navy commander and four fellow army soldiers. he was at a combat stress clinic in baghd
we voluntarily agree to that and they all agree the defense lawyers can have access to their client pursuant to hospital regulations and that sort of thing. and they agree the next hearing will be may 30th, which is five and a half weeks from now at 10:00 in the morning. and then proceedings are adjourned at the hospital bed. that s the way we do it in this country, even if justice has to travel to you in your hospital bed as you recover from gunshot wounds to the head and the neck and the legs and the hand. the judge will come to you and the prosecutor, and you will get read your rights and be assigned a defense attorney if you cannot afford one, and you will be tried in court, in civilian court. you are nothing special. also today in american military court at mcchord south of tacoma, washington, today the worst fratricide incident of the whole iraq war resulted in a guilty plea. john russell plead guilty to shooting and killing five fellow servicemen, one navy commander and four fel