“It was the greatest one-man show I ever saw in a legal case, and I’m 78 and have seen a lot of cases,” said attorney Paul Slater, a co-counsel on the case.
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It s no secret that allopathic physicians have long viewed chiropractors with suspicion. But the lengths to which the physicians biggest professional organization, the American Medical Association, once went to deprive chiropractors of their livelihoods and destroy the profession might surprise many today.
Until a group of chiropractors sued on antitrust grounds, finally winning their case in 1990, the AMA had spent decades enjoining its members from having anything to do with chiropractors. The group s ethical principles stated that physicians should never refer patients to chiropractors, nor even see patients who were under a chiropractor s care. Underpinning what became a dedicated office within the AMA was the belief that chiropractic was quackery, its practitioners charlatans even though patients recognized that chiropractors could often relieve back pain and other conditions that still frustrate allopathic physicians.
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. It s the story of how chiropractors, frustrated by a decades-long AMA campaign to deny them their livelihood, ultimately prevailed with help from an unexpected quarter. Read a Q&A with Wolinsky about his reporting for the book.
Methadone, Medical Monopoly, Antitrust, and Serendipity
During the 1960s and 1970s, America was at war on several fronts. Baby boomers, the hippies, were caught up in the culture wars, which included hard drug use resulting in heroin addiction. It was front-page news that other boomers, soldiers, were coming home from the Vietnam War addicted to heroin. In a speech in 1971, President Nixon declared drug addiction as public enemy number one, foreshadowing today s opioid crisis.