gas and 1,000 more in groceries because of inflated prices, and something that i reminded or asked the press secretary about today, gas prices were steadily rising, even before russia invaded ukraine, and that is a reality that the economy, with all of this aside, was struggling, and prices were rising. and what lies ahead and how high it might go, how high gas prices might go, they won t say. sean: can make it an explanation are they acknowledging has been reported in many places, acknowledging that it is part of the iranian nuclear deal that would unlock tens of billions of dollars that are held under sanctions that would allow the iranians to go forward with the nuclear program, that doesn t include any place, at inspections. but it would include the u.s. importing oil from iran.
country, especially germany, and western european countries, making billions of dollars every single day, and in this country, we were energy independent. joe biden inherited energy independence. we were a net of energy when he became president. in fact, he gave that up. also, we have a 100-year supply of oil and gas at a minimum rate here in the u.s. some people say up to 200 years. but instead of tapping these, you know, real natural resources, the abundance that we have, the biden administration now begging other countries that don t like us to produce more oil to ease the pain at the pump when we could be going into business with texas and oklahoma and alaska. and over the weekend, u.s. officials, they actually traveled to venezuela to work out a deal with a vile dictator nicolas maduro there, and meanwhile, as we speak, diplomats are attempting to open up america to more iranian oil
climate crazies and say, you know what, folks? your plan just wasn t going to work, and american energy producers, we are going to remove the regulations that are stifling and don t be confused about standing up and jen psaki saying, we ve got 9,000 permits, like that matters. when they know they can make a profit, they will all out there. but they know they can t because the american government. until the messages sent listen, we were wrong, please come back and start drilling for the oil and gas that we have got in this country and bring america and the rest of the world that is on our side back to energy independence. and we can do that, we just need the signal from the federal government that we are not just going to strangle you. sean: i can t believe the times we are living in. secretary rick perry, boy, we
entrepreneur. founder, ceo of the electrical vehicle science called tesla, calling for more domestic energy production read by the way, against his own interest, because he says extraordinary times need extraordinary measures. look at this poll, 76% of americans agree that the biden administration is just too afraid of the radical socialist climate alarmist cult that is the new green deal socialist party. and instead of standing up to these radicals, the administration would rather you, the american people, pay more for everything. he could stand up to his own party and say, these are extraordinary times, we need to once again be energy independent. he has that option. he refuses to even talk about that option. instead, we have a 40-year high of inflation, all the food you buy met, all the gas you put in your car, all the money you spend to heat and cool your home, everything you buy in every store costs more because joe cares more about his new green deal socialist party then he does
and so it seems like, as putin keeps going, biden might be getting closer to doing that. and again, they have already warned that the prices are going to go way up, but now there are democrats joining republicans on the hill saying, this has got to be the next thing. we are not sending troops. at least do this. so stay tuned for that. sean: peter doocy, great job as always. like the only one in that room that asks smart questions. we appreciated. with reaction, former energy sector secretary rick perry. governor, s2 last time, i asked her less time, if we include oil, gas, coal, he said well over 100 years. with new examples, shale, is a possibly much longer than that? potentially, and when you add small modular reactors in there, it s for longer than anyone has looked into the future.