Organizations and communities planning Memorial Day activities should send the information as soon as possible to: Carol Pinto-Smith, Valley News Dispatch, 210 Wood St., Tarentum, PA 15084; email; or fax 724-226-4677. All events are on May 30 unless otherwise noted. Apollo Apollo Volunteer Fire Department No. 2 will sponsor
VAntage Point
Veteran Service Organizations team up with VA to fight flu
VA has joined forces with Veteran Service Organizations (VSOs) this year to fight flu together.
VSOs are using their powerful voices to help by creating video messages to encourage their members to get flu shots. They’re also reaching out via their social media channels to as many of America’s Veterans as possible.
“Many of us have underlying medical conditions.”
Influenza kills tens of thousands each year and hospitalizes hundreds of thousands more.
“Many of us have underlying medical conditions”
“So many of us who are Vietnam Veterans have underlying medical conditions,” said Rick Weidman, executive director for Policy and Government Affairs of Vietnam Veterans of America. “The flu can kick us over into pneumonia. If weakened and hospitalized, chances of COVID-19 are high. Then take a bed that could have gone to another Vet. So, get a flu shot, and get a COVID-19 shot when it is your