Bill also works to lower the compliance burden on Financial Institutions, most of which are Community Banks, by establishing several tools to allow for more targeted sharing of b. S. A. , is bsaamlrelated information. Studies kes modest and waste ways to reduce the cost associated with researching and writing suspicious activity reports. The bill also creates a new privacy and Civil Liberties officer, as well as an innovation officer in each of the federal financial regulators. And importantly, the bill imposes new penalties on Financial Institutions and personnel that violate the law and creates a Whistleblower Program to encourage and protect those who identify such bad acts. R. 2513, as amended, has the strong support of Financial Institutions. It is also supported by n. G. O. s like the aflcio, global witness, oxfam america, friends of the earth, jubilee u. S. A. Network, and the Small Business majority, all of which are members of the transparency focus fact coalition. Its widely
Recognition between the parties with each party limited to one hour and each member other than the jotyndinit leaders d the noty whip limited to five minutes but in no eve shall debate continue beyond past 11 50 a. M. The chair recognizes the gentleman, mr. Fleischmann, for five minutes. Mr. Fleischmann mr. Speaker, chattanoa, tenssee the great state of tennessee and our nation lost a wonderful man last friday. Scotty probasco my dear friend, passed awa suddenly. All this week we have had memorials tributes, eulogies, all justly deserved for this great man. I was wondwhearg i was going to say today as i put togethe these notes but i wantll of america to know about this special man and my dear frnd. Scottie was born on november 26, 1928. He attended the bride school in chattanooga. He attended the Baylor School in chattanooga. Dartmouth college and thethe Wharton School at penn. He was a gifted man a very bright man. A great business man. But he was a giver. As i was thinking thiseek wh
Eternal god, we give you thanks for giving us another day. Lead us this day in your ways that our nation might be guided along the roads of peace, justice and good will. Grant strength and wisdom to our speaker leaders and members of both the peoples house and the senate, to our president and his cabinet and to our Supreme Court. Bless as well the moral and military leaders of our country and may those who are the captains of business, industry and unions learn to Work Together toward the Mutual Benefit of all, walking in the ways of righteousness and working for the highest good of our beloved land. Bless us this day and every day and may that is done within the peoples house be for your greater honor and glory, amen. The speaker pro tempore the chair has examined the journal of the last days proceedings and announces to the house his approl erf. Pursuant to clause 1 of rule 1 the journal stands approved. The pledge of allegiance will be led by the distinguished gentleman from michiga
This is real money. Thats our big concern. As i said, we continue to work with mr. Emerson to see if we can find something that works for lenders like him but that dont fuel the increasing cost of Title Insurance which is too high for home buyers. Recently i met with a group of missouri bankers who came to my office after they had been to visit some representatives over in their building and my bankers were talking about things that were talking about this morning. Qm rule. They were told by the representatives that they were the 41st group to meet with them and basically the gist of the conversation at the end of it was that thank you for coming. We know more about the effects of whats going to happen to the bo borrowers, lenders and market than you do. As a result of that, a number of my delegation members wrote to the director and he responded back to us and madame chair, i would like those two letters made as part of the record. Without objection. In the letter the director indicat
Youre watching cspan. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2022] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] the speaker the house will be in order. The prayer will be offered by chaplain kibben. Chaplain kibben would you pray with me. Holy and gracious god, thank you for the countless times you demonstrate the intimacy of your love for us. Through the affection of a loved one, a desire met, moments that grace our days with evidence of your hand in our lives. How easy it is to believe, having seen your power at work, your creative activity in the living of our days, in the healing of those we love and care for. We are truly blessed. Lord, we believe. Help our unbelief. We ask your blessing when we cant see, when the hurts, the evil and the confusion of the world obscure any evidence of your concern for us and deny your willingness or ability to bring order to our chaos. In this c