The show is doing something called Idol Across America, which is open virtual auditions via Zoom. This live virtual nationwide search for their next superstar will hit all 50 states plus Washington, D.C., and the date for Louisiana hopefuls is Monday, August 16.
American Idol 2021 Winner: Who Won Season 19?
On 5/24/21 at 4:59 AM EDT
American Idol has now come to the end of its 19th season and has added the latest contestant to its winners circle, alongside Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood and last year s champion Just Sam. In the three-hour finale on ABC, Willie Spence, Grace Kinstler and Chayce Beckham fought it out after each performing four songs. Read on to find out who won.
Who won
American Idol 2021?
Spence, Kinstler and Beckham each had to perform a song chosen for them by the judges, a song from their hometown and a reprise of a song they had formerly performed on
American Idol : Who Made It to the Final and Who Will Win?
On 5/17/21 at 4:29 AM EDT
American Idol 2021 is coming to an end, and after dozens of eliminated singers, one comeback twist and two contestants forced to drop out, the ABC show is down to its final three.
Those three contestants will all take part in this year s grand finale, set to air on Sunday, May 23. Though three people have made it through to the finale, the smart money has the show as a two-horse race.
Who made it to the
American Idol 2021 final?
Chayce Beckham, 24, from Apple Valley, California