Attorney general in february. You can watch on cspan3, cspan. Org, and you can listen on the cspan radio app. Now, treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin testifying on the 2018 proposal. Most focused on various programs under theup for cut president s proposal. This is one hour and 35 minutes. Good afternoon. We will call this hearing to order. I thank everyone for coming. I want to welcome our guest with us, secretary of the treasury mr. Mnuchin. Thank you for joining us. We look forward to discussing the departments budget request as well as some of the a some shoulds and policies included in the president s overall request for this upcoming year of 2018. The president s budget proposes cutting spending by 3. 6 trillion over the next 10 years while making key investments to spur Economic Growth and job creation. We have heard what the critics have said and there might be a few critics in here today but mr. Secretary, i am not one of them. I believe the president legit is the president s bu
Attorney general in february. You can watch on cspan3, cspan. Org, and you can listen on the cspan radio app. Now, treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin testifying on the 2018 proposal. Most focused on various programs under theup for cut president s proposal. This is one hour and 35 minutes. Good afternoon. We will call this hearing to order. I thank everyone for coming. I want to welcome our guest with us, secretary of the treasury mr. Mnuchin. Thank you for joining us. We look forward to discussing the departments budget request as well as some of the a some shoulds and policies included in the president s overall request for this upcoming year of 2018. The president s budget proposes cutting spending by 3. 6 trillion over the next 10 years while making key investments to spur Economic Growth and job creation. We have heard what the critics have said and there might be a few critics in here today but mr. Secretary, i am not one of them. I believe the president legit is the president s bu
Attorney general in february. You can watch on cspan3, cspan. Org, and you can listen on the cspan radio app. Now, treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin testifying on the 2018 proposal. Most focused on various programs under theup for cut president s proposal. This is one hour and 35 minutes. Good afternoon. We will call this hearing to order. I thank everyone for coming. I want to welcome our guest with us, secretary of the treasury mr. Mnuchin. Thank you for joining us. We look forward to discussing the departments budget request as well as some of the a some shoulds and policies included in the president s overall request for this upcoming year of 2018. The president s budget proposes cutting spending by 3. 6 trillion over the next 10 years while making key investments to spur Economic Growth and job creation. We have heard what the critics have said and there might be a few critics in here today but mr. Secretary, i am not one of them. I believe the president legit is the president s bu
Crestline Management LP acquired a new stake in American Financial Group, Inc. (NYSE:AFG – Free Report) in the 4th quarter, according to the company in its most recent 13F filing with the SEC. The firm acquired 25,000 shares of the insurance provider’s stock, valued at approximately $2,972,000. A number of other hedge funds and other […]