"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" George Santayana, Spanish Political PhilosopherYoung military leaders are taught to study history and battles to look for parallels.
America is the longest running Constitutional Republic because of individual constitutional rights.not rights based upon progressive, socialist, statist, Marxist ideology. Steadfast and Loyal.
On 31 July 1982 I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign, and domestic. Today I am the
the other thing she did that i think ask really important for audience is the bay sway she lo herself in the american story of civil rights. born in september of 1970 and referred to the fact in the 6 6s there were landmark civil rights acts. both of which her parents were empowered by. what we ll see throughout the hearings is one judge in america about to send to the supreme court which i do believe she will but the whole arc of the judges and justice who is move up and what they represent. she wanted to tell a bigger story about american constitutional rights. i think she was very effective. to answer your question about the republican push back. the main thing that hit was definitely the criminal defendant issue. i think we ll see a lot of that.
During the late 1930s, a 30-something man who was living in Dorchester’s Savin Hill neighborhood and worshipping at St. Margaret’s Church, joined up with a German Schutzstaffel (SS) officer masquerading as an official in his country’s consulate on Beacon Street in Boston in a sub rosa effort with others aimed at keeping the United States from getting involved in the