Ssent to learn about the with totorian Mitchell Yockelson learn about the death of the young aviator. Beyond the fountain into the onded area a short distance july 14, 1918, Quentin Roosevelts plane was shot down during a dogfight with german pilots. Quentin was the youngest child of theodore roosevelt. Quentin and his brothers all served during world war i. Quentin chose the air service like a lot of young men. Times 20 years old at the of his death. Of flying in the air service was an honor for young men who were daring. Not long before quentins plane was shot down and he was killed, he was placed in the 95th aeros squadron. They were charged with following and tracking down german planes in the area. Hadbattle of the second mar been raging since may. It was a heroic effort by the americans to try and stop the germans from crossing the marne. Quentin had gone airborne and shot down his first and only known german kyl. In four days the germans would get retribution against him. After
The germans had occupied since 1914. To begin this story, here is a portion of a 1960 u. S. Army film that gives a brief sketch of the operation. In late july, 1918, general pershing created the First United States Army under his command. And immediate steps were taken to concentrate American Forces at one point on the line. That point was saintmihiel. The germans had held an area 25 miles since early in the war. Penetrating the allied lines 16 miles, it enabled the enemy to harass operations. More than half a million first army troops assembled for the task of crushing it out of existence. 15 infantry divisions were moved into position. By the end of the day on september 11, 1918, the first army was ready for its First Independent operations against the enemy. At dawn on the 12th, in a drizzling rain, the attack was launched. [gunfire] [explosions] for the enemy, saintmihiel was an unpleasant surprise. Within four days, the city was obliterated, and the americans were deployed along a
Feldman analysts is artistic portrayals of the American Revolution and civil war. She talks about the influence of paintings, sculptures, in memorials on how history is remembered. The Smithsonian Associates host to this event. Today we are going to look at the American Revolution and civil war, in particular, but a little beyond that. Controversies about the stories we tell. I am going to focus, because it is impossible to cover such an amount of material in one top. Im going to focus in particular on the nations capital, and the public buildings on the mall, which is after all, the centerpiece of american political culture, and our public culture, where people come from all around the world, and the country to participate in government, to learn about government, to understand our heritage. So i thought what is it we say to those people when they come to washington . What have been some of the controversies . What are some of the issues we should be aware of . And what is missing . S
Where he also had figures such as this but in his case, its peace rielding in ayuchlful chariot. You can see the peace in the center. The partially nude female figure crowned riding the four horses and golden victory figures off to each side. Well, this is what mills had in mind for George Washington. They were thinking of it for George Washington that transposed him from the human, from the everyday, from a general to now a super human almost godlike figure. And so when construction, which had been halted on the Washington Monument for about 20 years in the 1860s and 70s, when construction was started up again, the engineer, thomas casey, who really loved modern inventions, elevators, electric lights, decided no were not going to put that temple at the bottom. He wanted the Washington Monument to stay that would represent america. Moving forward into the 20th century. And so he now saw it as a sleek monument of american ingenuity. So it was his decision, essentially, not to create the
Collaborate with the National World war i museum. And im particularly thankful to lora for reaching out to me and making this weekend possible. I have about 45, 50 minutes of stories and information that im excited to share with you and i do very much hope that you will pose whatever questions you have. I dont always have the answers but i will certainly give it my best shot. So the cover that youre looking at there on the screen is the cover of my most recent book. Peace on our terms. And it is fundamentally tied to the history of world war i, which makes this collaboration so important to me. My book is a snapshot of a singular moment in history. Almost exactlily 100 years ago, as the world finally began exiting from the devastation of the first world war. And was able to begin both dreaming and planning for the peace and the new world that would come afterwards. At this moment, i show in my book that women from farreaching and incredibly diverse parts of the world began stepping on