one. tastes great. it doesn t shut off hunger in your brain. you eat a lot of it, insulin doesn t work as well, hunger is not shut off. we know where some of the bad guys are. we know it s in soda. we know it s in juices. i am surprised about gatorade. it is in gatorade. it has something called high fructose corn syrup which is the worst. more fructose than anything else. corn flakes has it. i m going to tell america a secret. you are a fan of captain crunch. you grew up with captain crunch. that has a ton i thought cereal is good. that s wrong. it s better than eating cardboard but it has this bad stuff, high fructose corn syrup. i m going to tell america another secret. i hated as asparagus as a kid and snow peas. now i find out they re loaded with fructose.