look at these individuals, this woman who you see pictured is the head master at the covenant school. her name was katherine koonce. so what did she do on that morning? she was on a zoom call in her office. typical morning. she hears shooting. she gets up from her desk. goes directly to the sound of the shooting in the hallway and that s where she lost her life against this shooter who was there to wreak tremendous havoc and heartbreak. bill: not just faculty members who sprang to action. this is evelyn. she tried to call for help. she was pulling a fire alarm in the hallway when the shooter shot and killed her. she was only nine years old. look at evelyn, right? this is hallie scruggs, william kinney is the other little boy who lost his life. so we re hearing the stories this morning of two of these people and what they were doing at this moment. tonight nashville will hold a candlelight vigil for them. the governor of tennessee, bill lee, is urging the people of his sta
our friend martha is back today. martha: good morning. it is a deadly epidemic. we have covered it extensively. it reaches all states, all walks of life, all kinds of families. the powerful opioid known as fentanyl is an indiscriminate killer took the lives of all these people whose faces you see on the screen right now and teens at a record pace. in 2021 fentanyl was identified in 77% of as lessent drug deaths. cartels have an enormous business. they will stop at nothing turning the drug into a weapons of mass destruction. lindsey graham says it is time to fight back. here is what i would say. america is under attack of the our nation is being attacked by foreign powers called drug cartels in mexico. this is the largest attack on american s homeland by a foreign power in the history of the nation. 70,000 americans were poisoned by fentanyl last year. we need to take the gloves off. they are at war with us. we need to be at war with them. bill: we go to texas, school di
tense fight over the defendant s use of technology. sbf will be precluded from using all electronic devices except for a computer and phone with limited access and a guard to screen any visitors for electronic devices. a new hearing tomorrow on the newest indictment and he is expected to appear. martha: kelly o grady, thank you very much. whether we got there, my mom approached me and she just looked at me and put her head down and shook her head. and i knew that he was gone. bill: all too familiar story. heartbroken families ripped apart and searching for answers as a staggering number of teenagers in america victims to fentanyl poisoning. it is everywhere. a new hour begins.
was running for president. do you think that this renews the pressure for romney to release more returns? or is just harry reid having fun with this whole thing? no, i agree with harry reid. i mean, we ve got a candidate for president, mitt romney, writing off half the country, and calling them victims and dependent on government, because supposedly, they don t pay income taxes. well, they pay state and local taxes, property taxes, payroll taxes, and mitt romney, who has invested overseas in the cayman islands and has money in swiss bank accounts, and in bermuda, and won t release anything more than a year and a partial year of his tax return, has the nerve to call half of america victims? it s i think another key point in all of this, the man who hosted that fund-raiser back in may in boca raton has apologized to mitt romney, and it s now out there, of course, everyone was told that this was for their consumption and not for the media. i mean, what you say behind closed doors
was running for president. do you think that this renews the pressure for romney to release more returns? or is just harry reid having fun with this whole thing? no, i agree with harry reid. i mean, we ve got a candidate for president, mitt romney, writing off half the country, and calling them victims and dependent on government, because supposedly, they don t pay income taxes. well, they pay state and local taxes, property taxes, payroll taxes, and mitt romney, who has invested overseas in the cayman islands and has money in swiss bank accounts, and in bermuda, and won t release anything more than a year and a partial year of his tax return, has the nerve to call half of america victims? it s i think another key point in all of this, the man who hosted that fund-raiser back in may in boca raton has apologized to mitt romney, and it s now out there, of course, everyone was told that this was for their consumption and not for the media. i mean, what you say behind closed doors