Coming up next. Guest host larry doyle. All authorize of in bed with wall street. The guest this week, nomi prins, author of all the president s bankers exploring the multigenerational relationships in the financial and political worlds that are the basis of car and influence in the u. S. Of power and influence in the u. S. The program is about an hour. Welcome. Im pleased to have with me today a wall street insider, renowned journalist, author, and speaker, nomi prins. Having worked at Chase Manhattan Bank here,man brothers, bear stearns, and a managing director at Goldman Sachs, nomi prison s had a distinguished career on wall street and has only distinguished herself further by sharing heir her expertise via the written, spoken word. She had written a number of acclaimed works, including other peoples money, it takes a pillage, and black tuesday. She joins me today to discuss her most recent work all the president s bankers the hidden alliances that drive american powers. Nomi, welc
In bed with wall street. This week nomi rins, all the president s bankers. And at the former wall street executives explicit multigenerational relationships to the political worlds that are the basis of power and influence in the u. S. The program is about an hour. Host welcome. I am pleased to have a wall street insider and renowned journalist, author and speaker, nomi prins at chase manhattan bank, lehman brothers, bear stearns, director of Goldman Sachs with a distinguished career on wall street has only distinguished herself further by sharing her expertise by the written and spoken words. Widely sought after by the outlets shes written a number of acclaimed works including other peoples money it takes a pillage and black tuesday. She joins me to discuss the most recent work all of the president s bankers they had their alliances that drives american power. Welcome and congratulations on such a study of this book as we take a look into washington, wall street and the families that
Scenes, for trying to move legislation together and not hogging the spotlight as some thought she might. Charlie we conclude with the former governor of ohio, Ted Strickland. Charlie, theres something wrong when the Supreme Court basically equates money with speech, and that means these billionaires have a lot more speech than the average american, and the average american is feeling really put upon here, and the whole Economic Situation in the country is such that the cards are stacked against the average working person who is just simply trying to survive, and those with great wealth who can use that wealth to mold Public Opinion and to basically buy, in some cases, actually buy access and get the legislation that they want enacted into law, there is something really wrong, and i think it threatens our democracy. Charlie American Foreign policy, Hillary Clinton and former governor of ohio when we continue. Theres a saying around here you stand behind what you say. Around here, we don
That, for working behind the scenes, for trying to move legislation together and not hogging the spotlight as some thought she might. Charlie we conclude with the former governor of ohio, Ted Strickland. Charlie, theres something wrong when the Supreme Court basically equates money with speech, and that means these billionaires have a lot more speech than the average american, and the average american is feeling really put upon here, and the whole Economic Situation in the country is such that the cards are stacked against the average working person who is just simply trying to survive, and those with great wealth who can use that wealth to mold Public Opinion and to basically buy, in some cases, actually buy access and get the legislation that they want enacted into law, there is something really wrong, and i think it threatens our democracy. Charlie American Foreign policy, Hillary Clinton and former governor of ohio when we continue. Theres a saying around here you stand behind what
The beating and murders of recently returned African American World War II veterans in the South captured the nation’s attention. Truman was moved to appropriately act, but it took pressure from Black civil rights groups who effectively articulated the Black experience to a man who was a white supremacist. “My stomach turned over when I learned that Negro soldiers, just back from overseas, were being dumped out of army trucks in Mississippi and beaten,” Truman said. “Whatever my inclinations as a native of Missouri might have been, as president I know this is bad. I shall fight to end evils like this.” Donald Trump like Truman is a white supremacist who is a product of his environment. Where Truman proved to have a conscience, Trump continues to promote racial division. As leaders of the today’s Republican Party continue to show an unwilling to embrace the spirit of Lincoln, will Black conservatives stay aligned or distance themselves from the party?