United states of america, we have somehow managed to survive without the dedicated stewardship of our righteous moral savior, the ever so virtuous and honorable james comey. Thankfully hes back and telling all of us we are the stupid, smelly, walmart shoppers of america. His colleague peter strzok, thats how he refers to us. Hes telling us how to behave as the mueller witch hunt nears its conclusion. We are going to show you what the indignant, totally disgraced, fired fbi director had to say. We are going to remind you of all about james comey and why the president did the country a favor by firing him. All right, but first, well get to that in a minute. Its time for our ongoing hannity watch on the radical socialist democratic 2020 candidates. We start tonight with really more bizarre behavior from Robert Francis beto bozo or wor work. No table is safe in america. Robert francis seems to force his way into every restaurant, every diner in the great state of iowa and appears that hes