harry litman and from the america rising pack, alexander wilkes. welcome to all of you. thank you. shannon: there was a debate about what this bill actually was so the senator talked about it just before the vote on the senate vote, for today, here s his expiration. picture baby that s already been born that is outside the womb gasping for air. that s the only thing that today s vote is actually about. we are talking about babies who have already been born. nothing in this bill touches abortion access. shannon: i think whited nearly every democrat in the senate vote no on this? i think what he said is so misleading. this legislation would criminalize doctors and it doesn t actually address anything to shannon: of baby that s actually a life outside of the one. doesn t he live with anything that happens before. excuse me, it addresses a procedure that just doesn t
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virtually everywhere, where communism has been tried it has produced suffering, corruption and decay. reporter: one country donald trump did not attack or even mention was russia. reporter: they are moving to all those countries and conflicts. shannon: thank you very much. the president emphasized american sovereignty and reciprocity and diplomatic relationships so what is wrong with that? let s bring in the panel to debate, richard fowler, the president of america rising pack, welcome to you both. thank for having us. reporter: you saw the soundbites where he says things are going great for the country, we accomplished more than any other administration in the country and they laugh and he says i didn t expect that but he left along with it. he rolled with it if nothing else. i give him that. he rolled with the punches.
didn t pull the trigger because there were children in the area he said. rob: all right, antifa at it again, taking over seattle streets clashing with police and gun right s activists despite multiple violent, some democrats still refuse to denounce this group antifa so where is the outrage from the left on their behavior, here to debate that executive director of the america rising pack alex smith and former obama campaign staffer robin byro, thank you so much for coming on this morning? robin, feels moderate and pragmatic democrats would walk away from antifa and don t try to support them at least publicly but a lot of people on the left are kind of sticking with them, we will show you a picture here that shows keith ellison holding one of their
across northwest can 100-degrees for parts of pacific northwest. the highs remain warm and dry and no relief in terms of rainfall unfortunately. back to you. horrible situation there, jd, thank you. 99 days until the midterms and socialism is surging on democrats, check this out. new poll showing 51% of democrats have a favorable impression of socialism but is this really a winning platform for the party? here now to debate democratic strategists jason and executive director and america rising pack alexander smith. i m not going to go lady s first on this one, i will begin with jason, i m a state, connecticut, where it s mostly democrat, but every single democrat that i speak to has no desire for socialism, that seems to be changing, do you agree? i do, and that is because