In this article, I explained how America now has three mainstream political parties: the Democrats; the moribund Republicans; and the Fanatics Against Sanity and Conscience Instigating Sedition and Treason” (Fascist), led by their Fuhrer Donald Trump. The stench of these fascists is now malignantly polluting local, state, and federal governments, and while they incessantly moan about being canceled,” they have no hesitation about silencing others (like the few remaining members of the Republican party who refuse to genuflect before Fuhrer Trump or dare to express viewpoints the fascists disagree with).
I also want to explain that, in my title, I am considering an ignorant person to be one that has the ability to learn and/or understand concepts like history, law, social issues, philosophy, and politics (especially political machinations), but voluntarily chooses not to; thus, ignorant people may be perfectly capable of thinking for themselves when it comes to programing a
I was originally going to title this article
America s Republican Party Thrives on Ignorance, until I recalled the theme of my previous Pravda. Ru article America s Fascist Party: A Warning to the World (02/01/21).
In this article, I explained how America now has three mainstream political parties: the Democrats; the moribund Republicans; and the Fanatics Against Sanity and Conscience Instigating Sedition and Treason” (Fascist), led by their Fuhrer Donald Trump. The stench of these fascists is now malignantly polluting local, state, and federal governments, and while they incessantly moan about being canceled,” they have no hesitation about silencing others (like the few remaining members of the Republican party who refuse to genuflect before Fuhrer Trump or dare to express viewpoints the fascists disagree with).