United states. We are here today to discuss matters of vital importance to us all. Americas security, prosperity, and standing in the world. I want to talk about where weve been, where we are now, and finally, our strategy for where we are going in the years ahead. Over the past 11 months, i have traveled Tens Of Thousands of miles to visit 13 countries. I have met with more than 100 world leaders. I have carried americas message to a grand hall and saudi arabi saudi arabia, a great square in wausau, assembly of the united nations, into the seat of democracy on the korean peninsula. Everywhere i travel, it was my highest privilege to represent the American People. Throughout our history, the American People have always been
the true source of american greatness. Our people have promoted culture and promoted our values. Americans have fought and sacrificed on the battlefields All Over The World. We have liberated captive nations, transformed former enemies into the best of friends, and
neighbors. nations that thrive in commerce and cooperation rooted in the history and branching out towards her destinies. that is the future we wish of this world, and that is the future we seek in america. [applause] thank you. all with this strategy, we are calling for a great reawakening of america. a resurgence of confidence, and a rebirth of patriotism, prosperity, and pride. we are returning to the wisdom of our founders. in america, the people dominate. the people rule. the people are sovereign. what we have built here in america is precious and unique. in all of history, never before has freedom rained. the rule of law prevails, the
as long as we are proud, and very proud of who we are, how we got here and what we are fighting for it to preserve, we will not fail. if we rediscover our resolve and commit ourselves to compete in win again, together we will beat our children and grandchildren, a country that is freer and prouder and in america that is greater than ever before. god bless you. thank you very much. thank you. [applause] dana: data president trump at the ronald ronald reagan bug for the strategy going forward. the strategy has been working on for over a year. as of four pillars, protecting the homeland, promoting america prosperity, preserving peace
we are seen the response we fully expect. economic growth has topped 3% for two quarters of a year. gdp growth, which is way ahead of schedule undermined administration, it will be one of america s truly greatest weapons. optimism is surged. confidence has returned. with this new confidence, we are also bringing back clarity to our thinking. we are reasserting these fundamental truths. a nation without borders is not a nation. [applause] a nation that does not protect prosperity at home cannot protect its interests abroad. a nation that is not prepared to
negotiated disastrous trade deals that brought prosperity to foreign countries, , and said factories and millions of american jobs to those other countries. our leaders engaged in nation-building abroad while they failed to build up and replenish our nation at home. they undercut a shortchanged our men and women in uniform. within etiquette resources, unstable funny, and unclear missions. our very wealthy allies pay their fair share of defense a massive and unfair burden on the taxpayer and our great u.s. military. they neglected a nuclear medicine north korea. made a disastrous and a copy