and get the world s attention, but that s the world we live in right now. it doesn t in any way help the america or americans or american government or american religious or political leadership. 1.8 million tons of steel and debris have been cheered away. thousands of workers have spending every day rebuilding it. friday we ll take on you a tour of the world trade center site. you ll see the construction site like you ve never seen is it before and hear from the people who are bringing this site back from that unforgettable definite investigation station. only in the have not newsroom friday with tony harris. well, president obama is in the nation s heartland pushing his plan to get the economy growing again. he ll yoult line his plan in cleveland. and in los angeles, police brace pog a possible night of turmoil.
generation of americans and hand it over to wall street. not on my watch. [applause] that s why we re fighting to extend the child tax credit, and make permanent our new college tax credit, because if we do it will mean $10,000 in tuition relief for each child going to four years of college. and i don t want any parent not to be sending their kids in good time or bad to college because they can t afford it. and finally, we see an america where we refuse to pass on the debt we inherited to the next generation. now let me spend just a minute on this issue, because we ve heard a lot of moral hraoeuzing moralizing on the
effective economic engine. reporter: mr. haas also asked secretary clinton to comment on plans announced by terry jones, a strange mus after thatoed pastor who says he will commemorate the 9/11 anniversary by burning copies of koran. as you know there have been fiery demonstration necessary muslim capitols about that and the top commander in afghanistan, general petraeus, has said the action could endanger forces abroad. here was secretary clinton on the issue: we re a country of, what, 310 million plus right now, and i mean, it s regrettable that a pastor in tkpwra eupbsville, florida with a church of no more than 50 people can make this outrageous and distressful, disgraceful plan and get the world s taegs, but that s the world we live in right now. i mean, it doesn t in any way represent america or
cuts because these are projections based on how well the competent is going to do and how much money people are going to make. all these are estimates, keep that in mind when you hear some of the numbers. the president is proposing hundreds of billions of dollars in tax cuts and infrastructure spending. he says this is paid for through taxing big businesses, also oil and gas companies as well. if the president doesn t bulge on tax cuts does this undermine all these other initial tiffs. we are going to make sense of it. we have adam lasinski. andee have elizabeth, and john, welcome to you all. adam, starting off with you, does it make sense for the president to pushout all the initiatives but not bulge on the wealthy americans and whether or not to extend those tax cuts? well it makes about as much sense as anything else. it would be better, i would argue if we weren t doing this
distressful, disgraceful plan and you just, you know, get the world s tanks but that s the world we live in right now. it doesn t in any way represent america or americans or american government or american religious or political leadership