unions didn t want do a cheap fix. we talked about this yesterday. please don t act shocked. or why we spent more money per student in america on public education than anywhere else but we don t get the results because of the strangled hold of special interests that think public education is more about jobs than teaching kids. i m not talking to but teachers. do an extraordinary job. they re the on the front lines. but there are special interests that elizabeth warren needs to stand up to. she loves standing up to the rich and powerful and the people that create jobs. let her stand up to the people that stop reform. all i m going to tell you right now, if there is anyone who would stand up to special interests or the rich and powerful it would be her. i d love to see it. let s get her on the line. i d love to see the tape. where did she there needs to be a morning joe phone line where when these things happen we call them up what do you think. the pat buchanan the hotli