Vote vote vote vote vote quorum call the presiding officer are there any senators who wish to vote or who wish or to change their vote . If not, the yeas are 80, the nays are 17 and the nomination is confirmed. Under the previous order, the motion to reconsider is considered made and laid upon the table. The president will be immediately notified of the senates action and the senate will resume legislative session. The senator from arizona. Mr. Mccain i ask unanimous consent that notwithstanding rule 22 there be ten minutes of debate equally divided in the usual form and following the use or yielding back the senate invoke cloture on substitute amendment 1003 as modified. The presiding officer is there objection . Ms. Baldwin reserving the right to object, mr. President. I ask unanimous consent to make brief remarks and engage in a colloquy with the chairman and ranking member. The presiding officer without objection. Ms. Baldwin mr. President , i have offered baldwin amendment 329. Th
Renewed commitment to do this the right way. Weve done it this way since, frankly, the control of the senate change a half a dozen years ago. The new majority was totally committed to get these bills to the floor. They were all ready, all 12 bills for the first time in six years, most of them ready about the end of may, the sirs o firsf june but with only a couple of exceptions were they allowed to come to the floor and that was at the very last minute, when it was too late really for this process to work the way it should. Lets hope for more transparency, more debate, more challenges. Im i chair this one committee ive been talk about today but certainly there have got to be other ideas that other members who arent on the on this subcommittee have, who arent on the Appropriations Committee have. They do their best to get those ideas in by talking in this late process and during the year what should happen. Lets do our best to make this happen the way the constitution envisions and peop
Forward. Our bill also gives more companies greater incentives to invest in assets that will help their businesses grow and expand. His, too, has been a longtime this has been a longtime e priority for the Business Committee and many members of congress. We were not able to make it permanent but we did improve and extend the important tax incentive. It will have key components to make america more competitive on the active stage. It expands the afe from subpar income and it provides a five year extension for the control for corporations through provisions. Both of these tax provisions give American Companies with american stockholders and employing American Workers a greater about to compete internationally. This is important if like me you want to see u. S. Companies remain u. S. Companies. In addition to the Top Priorities for businesses in the United States it would provide significant tax relief for families. The deduction for state and local sales tax, makes permanent low income m
The presiding officer the majority leader. Mr. Mcconnell mr. President , i said yesterday that committees and members from both sides were making important progress in the appropriations and tax relief negotiations. As colleagues now know, last night the committees and members reached agreement and filed legislation over in the house. I just participated in a productive meeting where the committees walked our conference through details of this legislation. I know our colleagues across the aisle are discussing the matter as well. Ill obviously have more to say on this soon. Now is the time for members to review the legislation for themselves. I would encourage them to do so, and i would also encourage members to debate it. Mr. Reid mr. President . The presiding officer the democratic leader. Mr. Reid mr. President , as the republican leader mentioned, last night the senate and house leaders finalized a bipartisan compromise. I said last night according to how you define last night the l
Than lets talk race with your morning coffee. Varney company is about to begin. This is a nice way to open up tuesday morning. Getting close to 18,000 again. Look at fedex. It is expanding its reach into the european market. Paying 4. 8 billion. Investors that. Fedex is up 5. The price of gas continues to fall. The National Average is now at 2. 38. Gas prices have fallen for a living straight days. Almost a streak. Rand paul will formally announce that he is running for the presidency. Joining us now is mike leave. Senator. Welcome to the program. You are a conservative. I am indeed. We share a commitment to our constitution. We believe that a lot of problems have resulted i decisions by the people in washington. Stuart you both want small government. Yes. In particular, a government in washington focusing on those things that washington is supposed to focus on. Providing for National Defense. Regulating trade or commerce between the states among those examples. We need washington to f