County politically. A tonge fans excited about him last night. Brian sure he will be excited the city of florida. A welcome basket for him. Major part of that community, eventually. Either in one year or four years when he is done. Meanwhile, the president has got a message, too. He took on impeachment with the turkey pardon. And he took on impeachment at the rally. Lets listen. Will the president of ukraine declared that there was no pressure put on me. He is the only one that matters. Its a scam. Its a hoax. The radical democrats are trying to overturn the last election because they know that they cannot win the next election. Its very simple. Because im fighting for you and because were winning. Very simple. In cheers] and fupght to see what corruption looks like, then take a look no further than slow sleepy joe. The crazy democrats are going down in a landslide. Americans have so much to be thankful for. The economy is booming. Wages are rising. Crime is falling. Poverty is plummet
We won’t get any closer to God's will than praying prayers based on His own Word. Feel free to pray using these verses, as well as other prayers the Lord places in your heart, between now and November 5, 2024..
were very comfortable in their korean skin, and i was not i didn t speak the language, i didn t need the food, because had been raised in a home wher it was almost pushed that bein super assimilated an integrated as an america matthew eight burger king, w had hamburgers before you ha kimchi there is also pressure when i was growing up to look a certain way. there is the pressure to go to korea, and to have eyeli surgery done two have cartilag put into my nose so that i would have a bridge, so they wouldn t have a flat nose, and i would have more americanize. did anybody have that pressure growing up to loo more american, or to sound mor american anything like that oh, my god, yes i would get bullied in school, kids would pick on me, they sa you smell like, korean, like terry is delicious you should try it sometime you still have to blend in, he
Even as a paleontologist I admit that calling this a real scientific discipline seems like an insult to sciences like physics or chemistry or molecular biology.
18:00 - 18:30
Rezidence velvyslance Státu Izrael v ČR, Štursova 3, Praha 6
Předseda Senátu PČR M. Vystrčil se zúčastní setkání pořádaného
mimořádným a zplnomocněným velvyslancem Státu Izrael v ČR J.E. panem
Danielem Meronem u příležitosti ukončení jeho diplomatické mise v ČR
Velvyslanectví Francouzské republiky v ČR, Velkopřevorské nám. 2, Praha 1
Předseda Senátu PČR M. Vystrčil, předseda Výboru pro zahraniční
věci, obranu a bezpečnost Senátu PČR P. Fischer a předseda
senátorského klubu Starostové a nezávislí a místopředseda Výboru