party bona fides sent him to washington and ryan is from his home state of wisconsin which leads me to my first question is does this change the mix in wisconsin? can you see republicans picking it up? they are now behind when you look at the polls in wisconsin. can paul ryan pull his own state into the romney column? good morning, candy. listen, i think wisconsin s always been in play. we turned wisconsin red in november 2010 because of president obama s policies, because of obama care, people didn t like that, being jammed through, entirely bart san basis. people also understand in wisconsin, we are pretty fiscally conservative here. people have the common sense notion that government should live within its means and as wisconsinites see this president spend our nation into debt, you know, burden our children, grandchildren with $5.3 trillion worth of added debt during this his administration, that scarce them so, again, we turned the state red in november 2010. i don t