A they have so a few men to start with. Then they have to use units. They are constantly deploying troops to prevent slaves from running away to the enemy and joining the union army. They also have to divert troops to contain the deserters. They dont have any extra troops, so the pressure on them on numbers by the end by late 1864, by 1863 the secretary of war said there are no more white men to be had. And at that point, the conversation starts seriously about whether they have to use black soldiers. Its bizarre but i think the perfect arc of justice from slavery as an element of strength to, we have to consider emancipating the slaves to force them to enlist in the confederacy. So that is another story i tell in the book. They dont contemplate emancipation out of the goodness of their heart. A lot of people think that the confederacy chose independence over slavery because by the end, some people were willing to enlist slaves in the army but the Confederate Congress and the Virginia
Is always more that could be put in. Commandeers from the time you had to leave the department to get the book published how many years did this take . One year after i was disabled from the job and had a heart attack was the year i wrote the book it took 12 years to get the book published but an author writes with longevity in mind i had published several other books prior to this and i am always writing a new title all the time i have three books ready to go now and one book i wrote that many years ago as well glading to be published it is a combat war book from vietnam. It is in the same spirit of this one. It is great to see wonderful old friends and colleagues. I cannot tell you what a great thing if it is. My question is from your vietnam experience out of curiosity have to be here are from vietnam . Quite a few. Talking about your bronze star would it bother you to tell you how you got it . Mcfadyen said good question. I was of the first recall a marine corps combat for a man an
Prosecuted bombings in birmingh birmingham. Last night the president left the white house heading to oklahoma where his Campaign Said there were hundreds of thousands of ticket requests and he would give an address to the arena and an overflow crowd. The events in oklahoma is unbelievable. The crowds are unbelievable. They havent seen anything like it. But this is what he found instead. The overflow area where his campaign built a stage was almost empty. Inside the arena, there were thousands of empty blue seats. The Tulsa Fire Department said fewer than 6,200 were inside the 19,000seat venue. The trump camp claims it was twice that. In his campaign speech, he spent more time talking about walking down a ramp than he did on George Floyds death. He repeatedly attacked joe biden drawing boos from the crowd but none of the chants from when trump rallied against Hillary Clinton. President trump said this about his strategy for fighting coronavirus. When you do testing to that extent, youre
It was sold and parts of it have been sold. Portions of it exist. Host author larry schweiker, why do use the word teacisry host of 39 white you use the term patriots history in your book . Guest it was as direct play of peoples history. If he can say this is the if he history of the people it is the history for all the patriots. And who host who are theho are t patriots . Ies . They love america even with the faults to see her went t improved r improve, to iand beside er but fe . Shes getting beat up in the parking lot. She probably deserves it. That is not a patriot. Host in her most recent book, a pastries history of the modern world from americas exceptional dissent to the atomic, if you write its democratic processes or selfconfidence. America remains the worlds sole exceptional nation, which is to say it aloud is a self written narrative that explains why the u. S. Should, not just good influence others. Why is america exceptional . Guest we get into this with four factors that w
The people. Host what about the question of money supply in the government . Guest that is interesting. Take it back a little ways. In 199091 i was invited to a meeting in europe, only time i have been to europe to a meeting. There were a lot of big brains there. Going down the danube with five nobel Prize Winners and i wasnt one of them and it was Milton Friedman, and headed debate with Milton Friedman, mr. Freemarket about free and competitive money and he was arguing the government should control the money supply. Competitive money, reliable economy with fewer panic. Religion, what would the founders say . The founders were unanimous the government should not establish a religion nor should it prevent the worship of any sport. Every state constitution has the words god and half of them have a word jesus christ in them. And they had jesus christ in their constitution. Virtually all of the founders were of a mind that you needed to make sure government did not force people to practice