Away nearly everything weve learned about stocks over the past decade. I keep telling you, this time isnt any different which means you cant take your cue from the playbook that worked in more troubled times wanted to give up on stocks on companies that and never look back but you know what, these days that tendency will lead you astray including on this where the dow slipped four points and the nasdaq gained. 71 old habits are hard to break and the habit of baling on stock after disappointing news is no longer necessarily a money making strategy. In fact i will go as far and say it is a money loser. I am talking about the cut and run, the stock of bank of america. It failed speck tack collarly. And it would indeed crush you but that changed at your President Trump surprise victory. Of course donald trump, our booming economy is part of an expansion happening worldwide. This allows the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates. Well what happened this time around the stock blew through t