sam is going to benefit from. we heard you. we heard you loud and clear. that s what this bill is about. it s about the american comeback. the opportunity to let you keep more of what you earned. to let america competitive around the world. and to make sure small businesses have an ability to compete. speaker ryan s staff has been very up front. they consider this to be a career highlight for a former congressman and committee chairman who has been talking about tax policy for more than a decade. now they just sit in their offices, shep, and wait to make sure that the senate republicans don t mess it up for them. shepard: the democrats are trying to shed lights on part of the bill that haven t gotten that. and we ve heard from them, too. they do not have the votes to stop this measure in the senate. they are trying to whip up public support against it right
for the american people. today, we did this without the leadership of our house with the help of our hous house, speaker ryan, and the representatives, we have delivered a new tax code. i want to thank chairman brady for the work he has done to my bringing this conference together, the conference report with the senate, and having this bill passed the floor today. moving over to the senate, and then it will become law. for every american, for every pair that fought for a pay raise, anyone who s ever dreamed of opening up a small business and being an entrepreneur, i want you to know we heard you. we heard you loud and clear. that is what this bill is about. the american come back. to keep more of what you earn. make america competitive around the world. to make sure small businesses have an ability to compete.
, those that want to keep their loopholes, yeah they will argue and pay lobbyists a lot of money but this is exactly why this president won the election, because he s listened to the middle class. he s fighting for the middle class and that s what this plan will do, create more jobs, put america competitive around the world and think of those trillions of dollars that come back and invest in america instead of other countries. maria: what if you don t get these congress men from the high tax states? what if they vote no on the tax bill? do you have a major problem you need to appease these people to actually get their vote? they ve had really good arguments and been very constructive in talking about trying to find the best policy going forward and their ideas are put into this tax bill and i think when you see it rollout you ll see that their input made a difference, especially there and anybody that s living in those states look at the entire plan. maria: because the 20% corpor
spending money is what helped turn the economy around. how do you reconcile the two? difficult balance, political balance for the president. he has to address the very deep public concern over the deficit, over the rising national debt as we saw in the november election. he does believe that putting on brakes too fast might undermine the very, very slow and fragile recovery that we are seeing in the economy right now. he will have a challenge on tuesday night which he says i understand and we need to start with the deficit but not the deepest cuts right away. we have to keep spending on things that are important to make america competitive around the world. uma: in the last state of the union address a year ago, he said the number one focus was jobs. that would be the priority. yet, the administration became distracted with the healthcare and other initiatives. if you think this time around that he gets it, message from the voters that are angry in the last election said about un