virulent anti-sem might nationally. they are trying to get some screen time. it s really just frustrating beyond belief to see them just so dishonor the families and the horrors that we had on 9/11. we as muslims should be standing up to marginalize these guys not only as nut case truthers but actually to tell america that it s our responsibility to fix now the greatest threat in the world is terrorism. the middle east is on fire from radical islam and muslim dictators and others and we are blaming america? seriously? tucker: america and zionist conspiracy. how insulting too to the families of those killed on that day to stage that kind of event on 9/11. it really is. and, you know, this shows that in this environmentment if we are apeefsinging the ideologies that radicalize muslims. they will sort of take and it run with it saying we are going to be more in their face and try to put them on the defense and be