at all. was very disrespect all to this country. she s been very disrespectful, frankly, to israel. she is someone who doesn t really understand, i think, life, real life, what it s all about. it s unfortunate. she s got away about her that s very, very bad, i think, for our country. i think she s extreme the and extremely disrespectful to our country. disrespectful to our country. i think a lot of americans agree with him. like obama before her, omar reflexively apologizes for ridiculing america for being worried about al qaeda. when i was in college, i took a terrorism class. every time the professor said al qaeda, his shoulders went up al qaeda, you know? and you don t say america.
people did something. hebrews tweeted omar s video and clips going into the towers. the left were not upset about omar s original comments. they were mad at trump claiming he was the problem, endangering this woman s life. donald trump is trying to incite violence and to divide us. she does not deserve the vicious, hate filled attacks she s experiencing fear and threats on her life! this is incitement. against congresswoman omar, against our fellow americans who happened to be muslim. laura: i m just glad someone found beto. i haven t seen them in a wild. a local interview in minnesota, trump was characteristically unapologetic when he was asked for second thoughts about criticizing omar. the president replied, no, not
displays. 2020 is shaping up to be a showdown between more traditional america and this new kind of twisted vision of america. the matter who the democratic nominee is, this is the ideological struggle before us. and it s hard right now to at least imagine that the american people would not again embrace the true audacity that unapologetic nature of trump is a willingness to bow down to the media and political correctness of the moment and his determination to protect the honor and the people of this country. his habit of standing up to the political elite and refusing to back down. there were words for this approach. we used to call it american leadership. and maybe we still do. that s the angle. joining me now with the reaction
is conservative commentator and filmmaker dinesh d souza and chris hahn, former aide to senator chuck schumer. dinesh, today s democratic party, it seems that they have a completely different vision for today s down like america than those of just i would go bac9 years ago. how did we get to this point where democrats are so self-loathing they are, you know, they are not going to condemn omar, but they will condemn the president for criticizing her? well, it seems, larra, that under obama, we had a sort of cleavage between the people who affirmed american exceptionalism, what makes america unique, and obama himself, who led the movement to say that there is nothing exceptional about america, a denial of american exceptionalism. i think today, the debate has moved so that in a strange way, both sides, the right and the left, embrace american
no more apologies. no more apologies but no more groveling. no more self flagellating ourselves on the world stage. well, as a certain previous administration had done. in america, there is a failure to appreciate europe s leading role in the world. instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you, to meet common challenges, there have been times where america has shown arrogance and been dismissive. even derisive. sean: i actually think that apology is arrogant. but trump is different. he goes over to her up and says, hey, we value our alliance. we love you guys. but it s time for nato members to stop free writing on the american taxpayer. i have been very, very direct. nato members must finally contribute the fair share and meet their financial obligation