Jun. 3, 2021 10:35 PM
Umar Snobar is brought into the room so he can be shown off, held in the arms of his Aunt Iman, his father’s sister. Umar is wrapped in a light blue wool blanket. His little head turns from side to side, his face is sallow, his hands are miniatures.
He’s 2 weeks old. A tense silence falls in the room at the sight of the newborn. Only his grandmother breaks into quiet sobs, “Haram [“pity” in Arabic] on the baby,” she whispers through her tears. The other family members stop themselves from responding like her.
But no one in the room is left indifferent at the sight of the infant. No one can remain indifferent, not choke up, when there’s a 2-week-old orphan.
ABC News Australia have published a report entitled Israeli authorities killed seven Palestinian children last year. Their parents are calling for justice. The title says it all – it is a one-sided report that places the blame for the children’s deaths squarely on Israel.
But it was actually even worse. ABC News shared the report on Facebook earlier yesterday, before deleting it after complaints from readers. The post reveals the original title of the report.
Mahmoud ‘Omar Sadeq Kmeil
17 years old, resident of Qabatiyah, Jenin District, killed on 21 Dec 2020 in Old City (Jerusalem), East Jerusalem District, by live ammunition. . Additional information: Fatally shot by Border Police officers