rec n recognition? amendment to amendment h-75. point of order. from arizona. gentle lady reserves point of order. the gentleman is recognized to explain his amendment. is she going to read the amendment, sir? clerk will read the amendment page 4 strike line 8 and all that follows through line 13 and insert the following. three, aid was released within days of ukrainian president zelensky signing two major anti-corruption measures into law convincing president trump the new ukrainian administration was serious about reform measures and consistent with administration policy to ensure foreign aid is not used for corrupt purposes, gentleman will explain the amendment. i withdraw my point of order. thank you. i draw my colleagues attention to a letter sent yesterday from the office of management and budget. the letters addressed to mr. tom armstrong general counsel.
what was so fascinating about this at the time was it was not just a departure from the obama administration. it was departure from almost every leading foreign policy security expert on the republican side who had come to the conclusion that what they wanted was more lethal assistance for the ukrainians. at the moment, this is parked, as the ambassador says on, donald trump s desk. but it is not clear that donald trump wants to go there. that he wants to give assistance that the ukrainians need. based on his public commentary, i don t know time trump is spending, the meticulously analyzing this, a chess piece this putin s strategy. mr. ambassador, i want to read to you from the campaign e-mails. you ve been around the foreign policy circles. you know these players. there was now documented evidence that has become public that they were directly working this in contra doiks what paul manafort did. as for the amendment page, carter page e-mailed, excellent