policeman and the suspect. we have the latest from the virginia tech campus. good morning, bob. reporter: good morning from main street in blacksburg, virginia where we are learning that is a scra tate police heading up this investigation will be holding a briefing at 10:00 this morning hopefully to give us more information about yesterday s shooting, perhaps to identify the gunman who, after shooting a police officer here on campus apartly took his own life. the murdered campus police officer was derek crouse, 39 years old, four years with the police department here, an army veteran, married, father of five children and stepchildren who was, according to virginia state police, ambushed during a routine parking stop around 12:30 yesterday afternoon. the person who shot him dead was not the driver involved in the traffic stop but someone who walked up and fired at officer crouse who was sitting in his patrol car. police tell us there is dashboard camera video that shows th