The company s outperformance over its peers is fully priced in at the current valuations, Kotak said in a note as it slashed the stock s fair value to Rs 3,750, a 1.5% climbdown from Tuesday s closing price of Rs 3,811.
While there is always a talk about how many new demat accounts have been opened every few months. But how many folios have got added in the mutual fund industry is something which does not make it to headlines. What makes a headline is just the headwinds, about new rules and regulations or a new competition coming up. But in reality, this fact is that for mutual funds houses or AMC companies, these headwinds are very minor things to handle, because they have the biggest macro tailwind of financialisation of saving, a trend which got really strong post demonetisation. Let s look at the different headwinds and some narratives around them which the AMC industry has dealt with over many years and still come out strong.
OMC target prices: Emkay Global has a target of Rs 600 for BPCL, Rs 500 for HPCL and Rs 160 for IOC. It has 'Buy' ratings on BPCL and HPCL and 'Add' rating on IOC.
BPCL’s reported GRM was above Kotak's estimate, while its implied marketing margin was below its estimate. HPCL's Q3 missed Kotak's Ebitda estimate due to a lower-than-expected marketing margin.