Mission Possible Partnership (MPP) launches its Global Project Tracker today, shedding new light on the state of transition in seven heavy industry and transport sectors, which account for 30% of global carbon emissions.
A new U.S.-based group, the Transatlantic Clean Hydrogen Trade Coalition (H2TC), has joined the quest, aspiring to get more than three million metric tons of low-carbon hydrogen per year to Europe by 2030. That’s nearly a third of the 10 million metric tons that the European Union aims to import annually by 2030.
WASHINGTON — The Biden administration on Friday issued its long-awaited plan to provide lucrative tax breaks to companies that make hydrogen, a clean-burning fuel, proposing new rules meant to ensure that the policy doesn’t inadvertently lead to a spike in planet-warming emissions. Hydrogen is widely seen as a promising tool to tackle climate change, as long as it can be produced without creating any greenhouse gases. When burned, hydrogen mainly emits water vapor, and it could be used instead o