Jasmine Alayna Rose Strait Osterhaus, 21, passed away in Jacksonville, N.C., Friday, December 9, 2022. She is survived by Jonathan Osterhaus, II (husband), Timmy Lee Strait Jr. (father), Miranda Strait (mother), Timmy Besel (brother), Tasha Smith (sister), Ruth McFadden (sister), Amber Strait (sister), Connie Strait (grandmother), Aleatha Strait (grandmother) and David Strait Jr. (grandfather).
Rodriguez received a Chevy Equinox and Strait a Nissan Maxima. I m lost for words right now, Rodriguez said. I m just really thankful and I m about to deliver a child so this means so much.
Strait said the car means she won t have to ask for a ride to work, wait for the bus and can pay her bills. I m very happy, but I m very grateful for the people who stepped up and gave me the opportunity for this vehicle, Strait said. I m just really blessed.
The recycled rides program is a national initiative hosted locally by Washburn Tech each year. Recipients are chosen by a selection committee made up of Washburn Tech students and facilitated by United Way of Greater Topeka leaders.