Dec. 29, 1920
The police backed up by the general manager of the city have requested that no persons throw ashes in the streets as it ruins the sleighing, which has become excellent with the softening of the snow and the consequent packing of the roadbed. There are various ordinances designed to prevent the practice of throwing ashes in the streets. It is considered a nuisance or an obstruction to place the ashes in the street and arrests will follow any more violations, it is said. The city manager, however, will not object to householders dumping their ashes on the area between the road and the gutter as then they can be hauled away in the spring. The temperature rose today to very near the thawing degree and the roads are very soft. Packing the snow will make excellent motoring and may result in the sale of more license plates by the county clerk unless there is a blizzard or a sudden fall in temperatures.