walks like a duck. gawking like a duck. you have to run away from admitting this is a duck. this is clearly where thedy vur intelligence divergence. is there an issue of israel wanted a firm line if the line is crossed? well, there s no doubt that israel is convinced that most israeli military officials will say this. that they don t believe that unilaterally israel can complete the job of dealing with the consequences of an attack by iran or hezbollah on israel. as you hear they believe that until iran actually produces a nuclear weapon why rush to judgment at this point in time until sanctions work? all right. ambassador marc ginsberg and
reaction as month ma am heas mohammed morsi is declared the winner. surprisingly, he now says he will quit the muslim brotherhood. there is question what kind of impact this will have, not just in the middle east, but in the west as well. joining me now in studio, former ambassador, former white house middle east adviser as well. marc ginsberg. we should note, studio in d.c. ambassador ginsberg, let me get your reaction to hearing that morsi is going to quit the muslim brotherhood. what too we make of that? i suspect what he is trying to do is differentiate his particular brand of politics from the brotherhood which is shall we say, less than overwhelmingly supported by the significant plurality of egyptians. this election was close, and he is trying to se ing send a sign
whole rap on romney has been identity and authenticity and here you have it. absolutely. i think that s part of why he is trying to shore up as many of those institutional players as he can. again, his argument is electability. he wants to be able to show i ve got the institutional players behind me. i can make the best argument against president obama. and frankly, too, what ambassador ginsberg was talking about with regard to afghanistan, that s a place where mitt is trying to tack to the right a little bit. we have not heard this rhetoric about cut and run cynic 2006, 2007. it doesn t even work with some republicans anymore. clearly he s trying to be a little of all things to all people. some might say that goes into the, fuels the argument that maybe he is a little bit of a flip-flopper. but again, it s part of this establishment argument he s trying to make. ambassador ginsberg, you have to hand to it michele bachmann. she gave a fairly strong performance last night.
a peace most importantly that will last. thank you very much. thank you. the president of the united states remarking on what has indeed been a remarkable year. osama bin laden is gone. el mubarak out of power and recounting so many changes in the world, but one thing remains the same, and that is the conflict between israel and the palestinians, and he said that there is no shortcut to peace. let s bring in our former ambassador to morocco and the former white house adviser, ambassador mark ginsberg, and what is your thoughts? well, chris, several things. it is a well tailored speech for the international community and lofty approach for the president to hit all of the appeals to the world based on the principles of their beliefs and the beliefs of this president who did a terrific job articulating america s hopes and aspirations, by it is clear that the
which the president will argue is a non-starter. ambassador ginsberg, you are going to stay with us and watch this speech as we standby. but to that point, thousands of palestinians don t seem like they are patient because they are filling the streets of ramallah and they are filling with flags and support of the statehood, and john is in the west bank, and what is happening there now? well, it is quieting down behind me as the crowds have gone home, and i have is come to this point from one of the checkpoints which separates ramallah from israel and there are clashes going on between handfuls of palestinian youths hurling stones at the israeli forces at the checkpoint and israeli forces responded first with tear gas and then rubber bullets began to fly and that is a standoff that continues to