Video of Beyond Today The Sabbath Rest
Beating the Tyranny of Tech. We love technology, but does it dominate our lives? You can free its grasp by keeping the Sabbath.
[Darris McNeely] Do I control my phone or does my phone control me? It s a scary question. Have you ever asked yourself that question, or are you afraid to ask yourself that question? It seems like the online world is taking over our life. And you can break free of its grip. And the Bible holds the key.
Genesis is the book of beginnings. It s there that we find that God rested on a day that He calls the Sabbath. God rested from all of His works, creating a day. [Presenter s phone buzzes] Okay, thank you. The Sabbath is a commandment that carries with it a very important sign. Those who turn to God on the Sabbath and go to meet Him on the Holy Sabbath, experience a connection with God. [Presenter s phone buzzes] Okay I think you can see that I m making a point here today, right? We all love our technolog
Video of Beyond Today When Will Peace Come to the Middle East?
While regional peace accords are valuable, lasting peace won’t come until Jesus Christ returns to Earth.
[Darris McNeely] Prophetic events in the Middle East will affect every living person on earth. When those occur, will you be ready?
The final battle for Earth is often called the Battle of Armageddon, the gathering of armies in the Holy Land and those armies are intent on controlling the world. Armageddon, even that name calls up alarm and fear. Said with the right voice it can shake you. And frankly it should. The Bible does talk about a final battle for Earth. Now it s different than most people will imagine. It s not a battle to end life on the Earth but it ends with God s Kingdom, replacing man s kingdoms.