<div class="at-above-post addthis tool" data-url="https://www.metro.us/10-iconic-moments-in-pope-francis-first-10-years-as-pontiff/"></div>VATICAN CITY (AP) Pope Francis marks the 10th anniversary of his election as pope on Monday. During that decade, several historic occasions, as well as several unplanned events, helped define the contours and priorities of history’s first Latin American pontiff. Visits with refugees in Italy and Greece, trips to Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, […]<! AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on get the excerpt ><! AddThis Advanced Settings below via filter on get the excerpt ><! AddThis Advanced Settings generic via filter on get the excerpt ><! AddThis Share Buttons above via filter on get the excerpt ><! AddThis Share Buttons below via filter on get the excerpt ><div class="at-below-post addthis tool" data-url="https://www.metro.us/10-iconic-
ST ANDREWS, Scotland Francineia Fontes Baniwa laughs enthusiastically as she tells of a conversation she had with her traveling companion, Nelly Marubo while on the train to Scotland: “Nelly looked at me and said, ‘One day we are also going to be university professors!’ And I said, ‘for sure.’” Nelly and Fran are examples […]
Shaman and Yanomami Indigenous leader Davi Kopenawa spoke at a Princeton panel discussion. Kopenawa has advocated for the Yanomami people’s rights since the 1970s and is the author of "The Falling Sky: Words of a Yanomami Shaman."