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Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 Amazing Airdrie Women Awards were held virtually instead of in person.
The event aims to celebrate the women who have gone above and beyond for their community.
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“[The virtual ceremony] went surprisingly well,” said Sherry Shaw-Froggatt, publisher of airdrielife magazine.
“We had such great feedback from everybody involved. At the end of the day, people were just thrilled that we were able to celebrate in some capacity.”
The event was originally planned for the spring, following a photo shoot that included all of the nominees in January.
country. defacing one was punishable by for or death. it is important to understand where we re at. the main square behind us, the police station where they used to torture those who would daresay anything bad about qadhafi now flying above it is the flag of the revolution. the same flag that a week ago would have resulted in death. as bottle sighs are saying they are will to fight to the death this may both sides are saying they are willing to fight to the death this may be who is willing to spill the most blood. a young man who had been wounded in the abdomen, shot during the first day of the protest, i asked was it worth his gunshot wound which was extremely painful? he said i would gladly take 100 bullets for my freedom. uma: amazing courage. the white house has imposed sanctions on libya and closed its embassy. the u.n. human rights council