The decision to choose a light-hearted teenage romance tale to mark the end of the Shiela Bharat Ram Theatre Festival, which saw plays with themes that were serious in their tone, went well with the audience who burst out laughing at the quirky and chirpy ways in which the characters approached love and friendship.
Nitte University in Mangaluru is hosting the fourth edition of the Nitte International Film Festival (NIFF) from June 8 to 11. Three screens at Bharath Cinemas in Mangaluru.
The award-winning Odia movie “Whispers of a Storm” is highly praised by the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Rishi Sunak at UK Asian Film Festival. The UK PM in his video address lauded “Whispers of a Storm” while commending one of the longest ru
The 9th Edition of Dhwani, a two-day special film festival focused on creating awareness and inclusion of persons with disabilities, concluded with the declaration of winners for best documentaries and short films.
Organised jointly by Aaina and FICCI FLO, Bhubaneswar, the film festival